Freitag, 30. Mai 2014
Ultrasound is an excellent and validated tool in the diagnostics and assessment of musculoskeletal diseases such as inflammatory and non-inflammatory joint diseases. Musculoskeletal ultrasound plays an important role in visualising several soft-tissue structures and MSK US is able to detect a variety of pathologic changes using predominantly linear scan probes with frequencies in a range between 5 MHz and 22 MHz, depending on the investigated tissue. MSK structures are assessed dynamically in real-time and static with the advantage of a multiplanar view. Further MSK US is a useful tool for guided interventions at the MSK system. Limitations of this technique are limited acoustic windows, difficulty in detection of pathologies in large/deep joints, the limited view and the operator dependence. The images have been selected to help the practitioner discover the pitfalls in MSK ultrasound while observing the guidelines in MSK anatomy and to show cases of interest. The EFSUMB Atlas is work in progress and we cordially invite contributions of images and video's using the submission template which can be accessed here. If you require more information please contact the Musculoskeletal Atlas Co-ordinator
Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2014
9th Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Day: Sonoanatomie
Link für outline Sonoanatomie Fuss Vortrag: Ultrasound Day Sonoanatomie
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